I rate this wretched hive to be an '8' on the Obi Wan scale of scum and villainy. There's a great moment late in the game where Kyle sees the Shadow Trooper outfit for the first time. Kyle's experiences as a Jedi in Dark Forces 2 made him both wiser and beardier, but he's never above the odd pessimistic grumble or sarcastic quip. Before discovering his affinity with the force, Kyle was more Solo than Skywalker, a callous and cynical mercenary who originally sided with the Empire before being convinced to defect by Jan. Star Wars was always about more than space-wizards fighting with oversized glowsticks - something that seems to have been forgotten over the years. So Kyle and his trusty pilot Jan spend the first few levels shooting up Stormtroopers - part of the preposterously large Imperial "Remnant" whose officers still wear Imperial uniforms and insist on calling the New Republic "rebel scum".Īt the time of release, there was substantial grumbling about these early, lightsaber-less levels.

It's a familiar ploy enabling the developers to reset the dial to zero, but it's slightly more sensible than the usual "I stubbed my toe and now I have amnesia." excuse. Like Dark Forces 2, Jedi Outcast begins with Kyle saber-less and powerless, having shunned the Force after being tempted by the Dark Side in the previous game. Of course, you had to get hold of it first. And aside from its pseudo-sequel Jedi Academy, it remains the only Star Wars game to get lightsabers right. It was the first Star Wars game to get lightsabers right. Raven inverted this design, creating a fantastic melee combat game with some shooting in it. Dark Forces 2 was a fantastic FPS with a lightsaber in it. Raven achieved this by focussing largely on the one area in which Dark Forces 2 had lacked - the lightsaber combat.
Jedi Knight 2 turned out to be Raven's finest hour, a game that stayed true to the series while simultaneously refining and improving it.
Unlike Elite Force, however, Jedi Knight wasn't only part of a venerated film and TV franchise it was also a highly respected game series in its own right. Instead development duties were handed to Raven software, who had recently done a good turn with the other major Star-based franchise in Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force. So after all that nonsense with Gungans and Midichlorians, the promise of Katarn's return in the new Millennium brought hope for better times, albeit with a little apprehension mixed in. Visually it holds up fairly well, although the volumetric shadows are hideously blocky. The phase 1 Dark Trooper's metallic "NYYANG" noise haunted my dreams for weeks, but I was still enthralled by Kyle Katarn's first adventure, and Dark Forces 2 was even better, removing those hideous robot soldiers and adding that one green glowing ingredient missing from the original. But he did let me play Dark Forces when it came out two years later, under the misguided assumption that a Star Wars game couldn't possibly be traumatic for children. I was six years old when id's masterpiece came out, and an overprotective dad wouldn't let me near it.

BioWare began crafting what would become the best Star Wars adventure since Empire, and LucasArts announced a new Dark Forces game, which for me was even more exciting.ĭark Forces was my Doom. Yet while George Lucas continued to devour his own child in cinemas worldwide, the games industry pulled itself together, and for a few years became the place to find quality Star Wars experiences, as it had in the mid-90s. Put it this way, the best Star Wars game released at the time was Galactic Battlegrounds - which was essentially Age of Empires 2 wearing a Jedi robe. Meanwhile, the interceding years had seen a slew of prequel-based games that proved to be even more mediocre than the films. Three years earlier The Phantom Menace had delivered a crippling body-blow to the franchise's credibility, and despite assurances of a more coherent story and less Jar-Jar Binks, the upcoming Attack of the Clones was winding up for the knockout. 2002 was a bad time to be a Star Wars fan.